Sunday, September 6, 2009

Sunday visit from Theresa

Well, went by mom and dads this morning around 11 AM. John arrived soon after. Guess mom was having a hard time doing the blood testing. Because I wasn't there last night, we just waited for John to get there, and show us. It went fine, and his blood sugar level was 86. So, dad took his pills and then ate his breakfast. Think he will try and get up a big earlier, just so it's easier to get the 4 blood tests in the day and to be able to take all of his pills.

John left after a while, and I stayed until after 2 PM, when they would do the next blood test. Dad will soon be driving mom crazy, going over everything over, and over, and over. But all in all, it was a good visit. At 2 PM, mom went ahead and did the blood test. Everything went fine, except that the machine that gives us the number, had already turned off by the time mom was ready to prick dads finger. So, instead of doing it the way the directions read, mom will get the lancer tool ready first, then put the strip in the machine, and do the test. His second reading was 92. So, I left just after that, mom was making his lunch.


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