Sunday, October 4, 2009

October 4, 2009

Lane's baptism was wonderful. Lane wore the baptism dress that Dock (Julie's mother) bought for Cas; we were all relieved it fit. Hard to believe anyone was ever worried about Lane not gaining enough weight.

The priest was surprised to see such a crowd. I believe he said to Joe and Julie: I was expecting just the family.

Little did he know we were one family short; the Leightons were in Berkeley watching USC beat Cal at football (and also visiting Alix and Mark and Maureen while they were in the neighborhood).

The baptism was held in a little chapel behind what used to be the convent (heaven only knows what they use it for now. It's been a long time since I saw a nun at St Lawrence.) Lane, being ambulatory, did try to escape but fortunately what she mistook for a door was a window and she found herself trapped. More than one teenager noted how appropriate that was.

The priest did a lovely homily about "choices" which involved all the kids being honest and saying that they wouldn't, in fact, go to school if they were given the choice. And the priest telling them how fortunate they were to have parents that "chose" school and baptism for them. A more clever writer than me would be able to tie-in the above "trapped" comment at this point.

Jonathon was in full uniform as Godfather and I (as Godmother) tried to not be mistaken for a grandmother.

We celebrated afterwards at John and Ronda's (thanks guys!). As always, it was great place to celebrate. It now takes two bar-b-ques to feed us all.

Dad was quiet and seemed tired. Probably the cumulative effects of the radiation treatment. Betty Yenny was also there; anyone who wants to hear the story of her disbelief at how good my dipping sauce was (with home grown basil!) needs to call me. For those who have heard it: how DO you grow salsa???

I have posted a few pics to the right. I will add to the album as I get Ronda, Theresa and Julie's contributions.


1 comment:

  1. Just want you to know we are listening. Keep up the news, we are all keeping good thoughts for your dad.--Richard
